My commitments to you, the citizens of Cleveland County

  • I will always place the health, safety, and welfare of our students, our staff, and the public at the top of my priority list. I will seek any funding needed to ensure that we have the required personnel, training, and equipment to make our schools as safe as they can possibly be.
  • I will advocate for our maintenance department to have the funds and personnel to properly maintain and improve our assets and infrastructure.
  • I will work to improve communication between the citizens and the School Board so that the will and concerns of all the people can be better represented.
  • I will, before voting on an issue, research the subject and listen with an open mind to all points of view, then make a decision based upon the facts and preponderance of evidence.
  • I will work towards achieving total transparency in our School System, maintaining accountability, and ensuring legal and ethical integrity.
  • I will work to ensure that our School System operates as effectively as possible and promise to be a good steward of your tax dollars by allocating funds in a way that best meets students’ needs and drives improvement. Then create, track and monitor performance indicators of invested funds.
  • I will strive to make sure that the diverse needs of our students and teachers are met. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. To achieve educational equity our students need the same opportunities, not the same treatment. Our curriculum should incorporate differentiated instruction and culturally responsive education.

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